Traveller RPG Blog


Traveller RPG Ship Distance Traveled Calculator

Traveller RPG Ship Distance Traveled Calculator

A derelict ship is detected and the GM wants it to take 3 hours to get there.  How far away is the derelict? Use this Traveller RPG Ship Distance Traveled Calculator.

Traveller RPG Ship Distance Traveled Calculator

Time (minutes):
Accelleration (G's):
Travel Distance (km):


You can find the Maneuver Drive Thrust Rating in the stats listing for the particular ship, but for reference:

Ship Type   Thrust
Free/Far Trader   1G
Scout (Type 1A)   2G
Mercenary Cruiser   3G
Patrol Corvette   4G


You can find typical time blocks here:

Time Period
1 Hour   60
4 Hours   240
8 Hours   480
12 Hours   720
1 Day   1440


Use this calculator to come up with distances based on the Manuever Rating of the ship's engines and the amount of time the GM wants it to take to get there.


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