Traveller RPG Blog


Traveller on YouTube: Find A Traveller YouTube Channel

Traveller on YouTube: Find A Traveller YouTube Channel

Interested in the Traveller RPG and want to learn more?  Luckily, there are a few Traveller YouTube channels you can turn to.

Traveller YouTube Channels

There are a few sites on YouTube that are great resources for Traveller material.  Some feature product reviews, playing tips, and even live game sessions.

While most of these channels are not exclusively dedicated to the Traveller RPG, they still provide support for the game so remember to check them out, like, share and subscribe to these channels to help ensure future production of Traveller RPG support videos.

Check out these great channels with Traveller YouTube content:

Seth Skorkowsky – Produces videos about a variety of gaming topics.  Seth is an author who does gaming in his spare time.  Check out his playlists of gaming advice, interviews, and reviews of Traveller products done with an entertaining style.

Happy Jacks RPG – Produces live-play sessions you can use as examples of actual Traveller gameplay.  He’s got 15 videos listed in his Traveller “Actual Play Campaigns” video playlist featuring Exodus: A Traveller RPG 2nd Edition campaign.

Kikoskia – You can find many different Traveller RPG videos on this channel.  Since they are intermingled with many others, use the YouTube search to look for “Traveller”.  You will find a few playlists and quite a few videos listed.

MrEverything Darick – This channel has lots of Traveller gaming advice with three major Traveller sections featuring about 30 videos on the subject of Traveller RPG, along with some live stream sessions recorded as well.

Complex Games Apologist – Check out this channel for examples of Traveller actual play examples, as well as Traveller discussions and tips.

Duolos Corp - A huge playlist of actual Traveller RPG gameplay.  Check out 116 videos of live Traveller play.

CyborgPrime – This channel contains some cheesy but informative videos by Yours Truly.  Check it out and send me suggestions for future videos.  Don’t forget to like and subscribe so I know people are watching! 

Traveller YouTube Conclusion

As you can see, there are quite a few Traveller RPG youtube channels to choose from (even more than listed here).  If you would like to find even more channels just pop over to YouTube and enter “Traveller RPG” in the search bar.

Or just click here for Traveller YouTube content.


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