Traveller RPG Blog


Craig A Glesner Interview Traveller RPG Mayday 2021

Craig A Glesner Interview Traveller RPG Mayday 2021

Craig A Glesner of Thornwood-Daarnulud LLC chats with us about his love of the Traveller RPG, his history of gaming, and tells us about his book for Traveller 5, Herald Class Starships. This book features Traveller RPG spaceship deck plans and details for a noble's luxury yacht.

Mayday! Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2021 Event

Mayday! Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2021 Event

May 1st is Traveller RPG Day!  It's the day we celebrate the oldest sci-fi RPG.  Join us for our 3rd Annual Mayday! Mayday! 2021 Traveller Day Virtual Convention for games, interviews, prizes, and MORE!

Countdown To The 3rd Annual Mayday Mayday! Traveller RPG Day

Countdown To The 3rd Annual Mayday Mayday! Traveller RPG Day

Countdown to Mayday Mayday! Traveller RPG Day Event: 3 weeks and counting!  Don't miss the 3rd Annual Mayday Mayday! Traveller RPG Day Virtual Convention.

CyborgPrime Games And 2D Storyteller Launch New Partnership

CyborgPrime Games And 2D Storyteller Launch New Partnership

During these extraordinary times, more and more people are turning to virtual tabletop programs (VTT) to help facilitate their weekly gaming sessions in a socially-distant way.  CyborgPrime Games and 2D Storyteller now join forces to provide quality VTT content to players and GMs!

Cosmic Drifter Demo Walk-Through

Cosmic Drifter Demo Walk-Through

I wanted to play a Traveller-ish video game, so I made one!  Here is a demo/proof-of-concept for a little project I call "Cosmic Drifter"; a Traveller-inspired RPG video game.

Gaming Survey: Favorite Traveller Starter Ship

Gaming Survey: Favorite Traveller Starter Ship

You are ready to start your career as a space-faring adventurer and you want to buy your first ship.  What is your favorite type of starship for starting your career as a Traveller?

Gaming Survey: Favorite Traveller Skills

Gaming Survey: Favorite Traveller Skills

When it comes to crunch time space-faring travelers depend on their skills to get the job done.  What are your MUST-HAVE Traveller Skills?

Gaming Survey: Favorite Traveller Birthworld Trade Codes

Gaming Survey: Favorite Traveller Birthworld Trade Codes

Everybody comes from somewhere. Where do your Traveller characters typically hail from? Tell us about your favorite Birthworld in this survey.

Gaming Survey: What Would You Expect In A Traveller-inspired Video Game?

Gaming Survey: What Would You Expect In A Traveller-inspired Video Game?

Imagine the ideal Traveller video game.  If you could pick and choose your favorite aspects from any edition, what would it be like?  Tell me about your perfect Traveller-inspired video game.

Gaming Survey: Favorite Traveller Careers

Gaming Survey: Favorite Traveller Careers

Traveller has some great Careers to choose from.  What is YOUR favorite career to play in Traveller?  Let me know in this gaming survey.

Is It Traveller or Traveler? Traveller vs Traveler Spelling

Is It Traveller or Traveler? Traveller vs Traveler Spelling

When it comes to spelling the name of the world’s oldest sci-fi RPG still in publication, is it proper to use one L or two?  That depends. 

How To Roll d66 Using Common 6-Sided Dice

How To Roll d66 Using Common 6-Sided Dice

Not sure what d66 is or how to use it?  Check out these simple instructions on how to generate 36 numbers using just a regular 6-sided die.

New Release: HR Dept v4- d66 Interstellar Naval Personnel

New Release: HR Dept v4- d66 Interstellar Naval Personnel

Need pre-rolled characters for NPCs, new players, or pick-up games?  Check out our newest release in the HR Dept series: d66 Interstellar Naval Personnel


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