Traveller RPG Blog


Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 10 - The Crew

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 10 - The Crew

The fifth live Traveller player panel for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020.  The Crew discusses more Traveller character backstories.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 9 - John Watts

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 9 - John Watts

The fifth Interview for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020 is John Watts of Independence Games.  Find out more about Clement Sector, Earth Sector, and other great sci-fi expansions.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 8 - The Crew

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 8 - The Crew

The fourth live Traveller player panel for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020.  The Crew discusses more Traveller character backstories.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 7 - Omer Golan Joel

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 7 - Omer Golan Joel

The fourth Interview for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020 is Omer Golan Joel of Stellagama Publishing.  Find out more about Sword of Cepheus, These Stars Are Ours, and other popular titles.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 6 - The Crew

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 6 - The Crew

The third live Traveller player panel for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020.  The Crew discusses Solo, Hostile, the Prize Drawing, and more!

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 5 - Paul Elliot

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 5 - Paul Elliot

The third Interview for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020 is Paul Elliot of Zozer Games, creator of Hostile, Solo, and more.  Join us for our discussion about being a content creator.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 4 - The Crew

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 4 - The Crew

The second live Traveller player panel for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020.  The Crew discusses Traveller RPG character creation, backstory, and more.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 3 - Neil Thorpe

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 3 - Neil Thorpe

The second Interview for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020 is Neil Thorpe of 2D Storyteller, creator of Galactic Interface.  Find out how Traveller influenced his desire to create these sci-fi animated map elements for the Roll20 App.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 2 - The Crew

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 2 - The Crew

The first live Traveller player panel for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020.  Meet The Crew: the players of my weekly Traveller game for over a year and a half as we joke and riff.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 1 - Craig A Glesner

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 - Part 1 - Craig A Glesner

The first Interview for Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020 is Craig A Glesner of THornwood-Daarnulud, author of HERALD Class Starships.  Find out how Traveller influenced his desire to produce this book.

 Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 Now Available As A Playlist

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 Now Available As A Playlist

The Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020 Event was a huge success, but it's hard to watch 9.75 hours of continuous video.  We've edited the event down to 16 individual videos.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 Event Summary

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 Event Summary

We celebrated Traveller RPG Day 2020 on May 1st with our 2nd Annual "Mayday, Mayday!" Event.  So what goes on at a virtual Traveller convention?  Read on to find out!

Mayday!  Mayday! Traveller Day 2020 Event

Mayday! Mayday! Traveller Day 2020 Event

Help us celebrate Traveller Day on May 1st, 2020 at our 2nd Annual virtual Traveller Con. 


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